Saturday, February 15, 2014

God Calls Us to Be Faithful, Not Successful

Praising God for getting me through this week!
         It has been a mental and emotional rollercoaster ride. I'm dizzy from all the loops, climbs, and drops! But no worries, I kept my seat belt on and my hands and feet in the ride until it came to somewhat of a complete stop! (It never stops around here)
        I've mentioned before some of the kids come home with us until their parents get out of school or off work; so in the mean time we take "work" home with us, as well as the bank, the gas station, the store, or to dinner. I finally understand all the stories that moms talk about when they take their children shopping with them! Janiyah and I spent some quality time together at Wal-Mart one night after work. So many questions, "What is that?" "Where's Ms. Pearl?" "Can we get this?" "I want this one." "Is it time to go yet?" "Where's Ms. Pearl? Are we ever going to find her?" "Let me tell you what's in the cart!" As tiring as it was, I can't help but look back on it and smile. I praise God for those precious moments, they are so few and far between some times and we are usually too busy to appreciate them.
        I have been blessed by these children. Each morning I find myself looking forward to seeing them, to bracing myself as they come running toward me for a hug, to hearing them say "Good morning Ms. Wendy," or the sense of peace that for the day they will be safe. Working with them distracts me from what tries to bring me down and reminds me of why God sent me here. Even when they are at their worst, I can still feel a smile upon my heart. Nothing takes away from the joy God shares through those precious children.
        For the next couple of months on Tuesdays and Thursdays I will be attending the "Say Yes" program at the Agape Center; the goal is to learn as much as possible about how an after school program works. Ms. Pearl is trying to help me be prepared as possible for this endeavor. We attended a seminar about mentoring youth in the urban community that was truly eye opening. The amount of people I have met and the mountain of information that has been presented has slightly overwhelmed my brain! There are so many different aspects to the program, different options to try, and a whole different group of kids to work with. Nothing like mixing up something that is already so new and different. However, I believe God has placed me where I need to be in order to complete the project to His standards.  
      There is no denying God is at work here, almost every situation has His mark upon it. As I have been brainstorming ideas and trying to figure out where I fit in all of this, He shows up yet again in our Friday morning bible study. Romans 12:5 in The Message says, "So since we find ourselves fashioned into all these excellently formed and marvelously functioning parts in Christ’s body, let’s just go ahead and be what we were made to be, without enviously or pridefully comparing ourselves with each other, or trying to be something we aren’t." I am completely humbled by the fact that He knows just the right words to say to reassure my doubts and questions. I may think I'm unqualified for my position, but He has placed me here with the exact tools to help me fulfill it. I feel like someone else could do a better job, but He made sure there wasn't anyone else to do it. Just as I am doesn't seem to be enough, but He is using me just as I am to accomplish this task. He has called me to be faithful, for one day He will show me just how successful He is with all I give Him.

1 comment:

  1. So true your ending statement "...for one day He will show me just how successful He is with all I give Him." His ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts. Thank You, God, that they aren't, or we might never do anything outside our comfort zone! You know us and know all that we are capable of doing. When we surrender ourselves, our lives, to You, it is then that we can be used by You. Thank you, Wendy, for stepping out of your comfort zone and being His light and love to those at Roseland and for being an inspiration to so many others! Thank you for this site where we can share in this mission with you. You are in my prayers daily.
    Much love,
