I don't think life will ever slow down. I kept telling myself after April things would come to a hault, and then I found myself saying after May, and now I'm thinking I will never reach the end! There is always something to do and always someone to visit with. I know this isn't anything new or earth shattering; I can almost bet that everyone who reads this can add their own busyness to what I wrote. But how many times do we over schedule ourselves, stretch ourselves too thin, or make it almost impossible to make time for what we want to do? I find myself being so busy at times, that I don't have anything to show for it. How often do we ever stop, give ourselves a break, and take our time with a project or person? One thing I have noticed with Ms. Pearl is that she takes her time. She is an extremely busy person, but she doesn't rush through things like I find myself doing. She is an example of patience, endurance, and trusting in God with every minute of her day. I have learned from her to take the time to listen to those around me, to go out of my way for someone else, to make that extra effort to share life with others. I am understanding the importance of taking time for yourself, letting go of unnecessary burdens, and meeting God in the middle of your storm so He can bring about peace.
Over the past couple of weeks, I have been able to take a step back and focus on what I am putting my time and energy into. This is what I have to show for it:
The kids getting to enjoy the sunshine! |
The heating and air conditioning is getting ready to be installed! |
I absolutely love these kids!!!!!
I got to see my best friend get married! |
School supplies for the after school program!!! |
Yes, this is a Cher concert!!!! Merry Christmas to me!! |
It has taken me going through these pictures to realize how much God continues to do for me. My love for those children grows every day, they have stolen my heart. Watching the new building come together is a constant reminder of how God will always provide. He asks us to trust Him with all we have, and to see Him work with all that we are is inspiring! The joy that comes from being around friends and family has encouraged me to take my time with those people and love them right where they are at. I miss how things used to be, but God is helping me understand that He is changing my circumstances to shape me into the person He created me to be. I don't know what that entails, but I do know I wouldn't want to be anything less than all He has designed me to be. And I have to accept the fact that He will take His time to complete His work in me.
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