Sunday, February 2, 2014

A Giant Leap of Faith

        Never in my life have I thought that there would be something worth writing about. Little did I know, God has held the pen the whole time and I'm just over here doodling what I thought my life should be! I post this today with a grateful heart that I am not in control, that my plans are not His, and that He is with me through it all!
         This past June I had the opportunity to go on a mission trip with our high school youth group to South Side Chicago to help at Roseland Community Daycare Center. The center is run by a true woman of God, Ms. Pearl Willis. For the past 20 years, she has provided daycare services free of charge for young women who are trying to turn their lives around by getting jobs or attending school in order to start providing for their families and to have the opportunity to leave the dangerous environment. She asks that the mothers attend a weekly Bible study in order to receive childcare, trying to instill in them godly values with which they can raise their children and to help shape the mothers’ faith as well. This all takes place in the middle of a violence stricken environment, full of alcohol and drug abuse and poverty. I would have never guessed that in the middle of the streets and with the sounds of sirens all around would I have heard God's voice calling to me.  

         We spent the week chasing around toddlers, building Lego towers, singing praise and worship songs, learning about insects, understanding the value of play time at the park, getting our second winds during nap time, drying tears, and hugging the beautiful children to pieces! God's hand was upon each of us, steering us out of our comfort zone and into His will and we couldn't have been happier! 

A field trip to the Children's Museum
        With tearful goodbyes we pulled away from the daycare, and I can remember posting on Facebook that I left my heart in Roseland. I instantly felt like a part of me was missing. I prayed fervently for those children, for Ms. Pearl's ministry, and for God to open doors and make a way. I went back to work at the hospital and cried through the first three cases in my room, knowing that this wasn't where I belonged and asking God to make missionary work a reality in my life.
            I was overwhelmed that after waiting for so long, maybe God was actually revealing His plan for my life. I did my best to be content with where I was, being a young single adult, serving in my church and helping the kids we have here. Don't get me wrong, there is a lot of joy that comes from being a part of a ministry that helped shape my faith and see it in action in the kids attending, but there had to be something more for me. I was giving of myself but not necessarily being fulfilled spiritually; but I held on, knowing that God would show up in some way shape or form and tell me where I was headed. (And that period of time, waiting for answers or direction, is probably the hardest part about being a believer in God. His timing is perfect whether it's on our schedule or not!) 
          In November, after months of prayer, tears, emails, and encouragement from some of the dearest friends God has blessed me with, I told my boss that I was quitting in January. I know a two months notice is a little much, but I have a hard time letting go. And even though it has been one of the most challenging and difficult decisions I have ever made, I am convinced that serving alongside Ms. Pearl is where God is calling me. With every fear and doubt that I have had, He has supplied reassurance and answered every question. The only thing left for me to do is to take that leap and soar on His promises and watch Him work! I write this on the day before I take the first step of the greatest walk of faith I will ever experience!
I think I'll fit in just fine! :)

 My life was blessed by a missionary named Helen Taylor, a heart of gold, a compassionate soul, and the most inspiring great grandmother I could have ever asked for! Her generous spirit touched so many lives of those in true need, not just of clothing, food, or shelter, but in need of their heavenly Father. Her life was a shining example of complete trust in God to provide for her every need and how that pure faith can move mountains if you allow it. I praise God for her example and true inspiration that lit the fire in my heart to give Him all I have so He can shape me into all that I'm meant to be!


  1. Wendy I am so very proud of you! Girl I am in tears right now because I know just how rewarding mission work is and when we have walked in those shoes and hugged those sweet babies they will forever be apart of you. My three trips to Nicaragua will never be enough. Those sweet people filled voids in my heart that I didn't even know existed. Keep up the amazing selfless work sweet girl. You will be in my thoughts and prayers!


  2. Love this! Love you and praying for you, to be filled while your there! Your such an amazing woman, fearless with a heart and Passion for Gods work, and that is SO RARE in this day and age. I pray for blessings to pour down on you, and this daycare center! Love you Wendy!

    Ashley B. (your cousin)

  3. Dear wendy i remember r many conversations of missionary work when u lived with me. I knew it was yr heart and i prayed for God to open doors for u. And now here it is, i know Grandma Taylor would be rejoicing knowing that one of her gr grandchildren followed and answered the call. I am so proud of u and will continue to pray for u. I love u with all my heart. Aunt cathy

  4. When I read the first sentence, I was thinking... In all of the time I've known you, I have known with all my heart that you would do something worth writing about. You are an amazing person with a heart of gold. You are brave and strong and such a blessing to others. I am praying for you friend and I love you! -elle

    1. Thank you for all your support! So thankful to have you alongside me on this journey! Couldn't do it without you! Love you for all you are!
